Chinese teenager 'kills eight in knife attack
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08-03-2012, 06:39 AM
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Oct 2005
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Asher, you're a fan of whisky, right? Suppose that some of your fellow Canadians got tired of all the unnecessary deaths caused by alcohol, all the car crashes, the expense of treating people with liver problems, the social problems of drunkenness, all that. Suppose that they wanted to try to limit people's access to hard liquor. They might say something like, "We're okay with people enjoying alcohol reasonably; beer and wine are fine in moderation. But there's no reason why anybody should drink this poison. It's only purpose is to get people as drunk as possible. Liquor has no place in civilized society." And they might even have some compelling statistics about how many lives they could save. Suppose that one of these people says something stupid like, "Alberta Premium is 80 proof. That means that it's 80 percent alcohol."
Wouldn't their complete failure to research basic terminology piss you off? Wouldn't you feel angry that people are spouting off opinions without bothering to find out basic facts? Wouldn't you wish that ignorant mother****ers keep their ignorant ****ing opinions to themselves, instead of trying to take away your right to enjoy whisky?
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