SSSF Chat - August - 2012
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08-03-2012, 04:21 AM
Join Date
Nov 2005
Senior Member
for those in scotland
PhD Opportunities
Applications are invited for the following PhD research studentships within the School of Engineering and Built Environment at Glasgow Caledonian University. The studentship is for a period of three and a half years (42 months), subject to satisfactory progress and provides payment of tuition fees at the UK/EU rate plus an annual stipend of £14,600. (
Please note that students from outside the EU are required to pay the difference between International and EU fees, currently this would amount to £6,672 per annum
The successful candidate is expected to undertake up to 6 hours of academic support activity per week.
The candidate should possess a relevant 1st or 2.1 honours degree. It is anticipated that the candidate will liaise with industry and that he/she will have to travel nationally/internationally for meetings and conference presentations.
How to apply
To download an application form click
(Application to undertake a programme of research).
Once completed, return by email to
. Please state the
Project title and reference number
on the completed application form. The closing date for applications is
Friday 7th September
; short-listed candidates will be contacted by 28th September with interview details.
Click on the research group links below for information about indvidual studentships:
Construction Management and Economics
Design, Process and Manufacturing
Diagnostic Systems and Sensors
Energy and Power Systems
Environmental Technology and Management
Interactive and Trustworthy Technologies
Network and Communication Systems
Sustainable Urban Environments
Visual, Affective and Pervasive Systems
Our Research Groups are always interested in hearing from potential PhD students, and usually invite a few to join us each year. Please take a look at the research areas we work in:
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