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09-11-2012, 06:47 PM
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Oct 2005
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The Buddha taught the UNIVERSAL Characteristics of existence and not just the conditioned.
Existence = the conditioned. Existence = bhava = becoming
Nibbana is not-self; but it is not impermanent & not unsatisfactory.
Buddha taught all
conditioned things
are impermanent & unsatifactory & all
(both conditioned & uncondtioned) are not self.
Your quotes is evidence enough for me as it's a matter of what you read into the text that makes the difference. The quote is interpreted literally. Buddha said: "whether or not there is the arising of Buddhas", the characteristics are.
Liberation is a dynamic never ending story. Buddha taught liberation does not fluctuate. Your opinion is different than Buddha.
His release [liberation], being founded on truth, does not fluctuate, for whatever is deceptive is false; Unbinding [Nibbana] — the undeceptive — is true. Thus a monk so endowed is endowed with the highest determination for truth, for this — Unbinding, the undeceptive — is the highest noble truth.
Cause and effect
will always
present. Yes (but not in relation to Nibbana). When you say "cause & effect will always be present", you are asserting the independent existence of "cause & effect". In other words, you seem to be contradicting yourself & agreeing with Deshy & Element.
Nibbana is still dualistic phenomenal thinking. Non-sense. Nibbana is not "thinking". Nibbana is peace, as follows:
This state, too, is hard to see: the resolution of all fabrications, the relinquishment of all acquisitions, the ending of craving; dispassion; cessation; Unbinding.
The ineffable can only be experienced. Nibbana is the unconditoned.
It already exists
, waiting to be discovered, i.e., "uncovered", as the Buddha discovered it. It is experienced when the defilements of mind are removed, i.e., like when the cover is taken away.
Nibbana is not an "effect". Nibbana is not the result of defilements ending. Nibbana is something "uncovered" & experienced when defilements end.
The Buddha was Enlightened and then died. Yes. But Nibbana does not die. The mind of Buddha that experienced Nibbana died. But Nibbana does not die; nor is it born. Nibbana is not a nama-dhamma (mental phenomena). Nibbana is asankhata dhamma (unconditioned element).
Nibbana is the unborn & the undying. Nibbana is The Deathless. Again, Buddha disagrees with your opinion. Buddha explained:
Then, monks, being subject myself to birth, seeing the drawbacks of birth, seeking the unborn, unexcelled rest from the yoke,
Unbinding [Nibbana]
, I reached
the unborn
, unexcelled rest from the yoke: Unbinding. Being subject myself to aging... illness... death... sorrow... defilement, seeing the drawbacks of aging... illness... death... sorrow... defilement, seeking
the aging-less, illness-less,
, sorrow-less
, unexcelled rest from the yoke, Unbinding, I reached the aging-less, illness-less, deathless, sorrow-less, unexcelled rest from the yoke: Unbinding. Knowledge & vision arose in me: 'Unprovoked is my release. This is the last birth. There is now no further becoming.'
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