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Old 07-03-2012, 10:18 PM   #21

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Partly but also because a possible summary of the new testament is "Love your neighbour". Some Christian charity is given out of base reasons but some is undoubtedly given out of that peculiarly Christian type of love.

I take it that that's some kind of rhetorical claim which I'm failing to understand; nobody could really believe that their salvation is worth a million lives.

No it's not. Sitting on a cushion isn't going to stop climate change or another war in the Gulf or any of the other horrors which lie in wait for us. Personal attainment is an admirable goal but it's solipsism of the highest order to think it's going to change the world.
Let me see if I can bring some clarity to what you have said from my point of view which is as someone who was a Christian for 40 years in many diverse traditions.

First, based on Christian beliefs, sharing Christ and winning souls to God is a form of Charity from their perspective. Christians believe that God is Love. They also believe that "no one comes to the Father but through me" (Jesus Christ). So to share the gospel is the highest form of Charity.

Second, I did not say that we should leave people to starve to death. I do believe we should work to help others and to right the wrongs of the world. Just don't say that is what the Dharma is about. Buddha taught in order to free all from Dukkha (suffering/dissatisfaction). I see no record of The Buddha starting food distribution programs or becoming involved is regional disputes. He left that where it should be left, with governments and individuals.

Third, when I say that the only way to solve the worlds problems is through personal attainment it is because if we work to save all sentient beings from Dukkha those problems will automatically be solved. If no one suffers from the 3 poisons of greed, hatred and delusion then how would these problems arise? Also, yes sitting on a cushion will help solve the worlds problems due to what I said above.

I am not against "engaged Buddhism" per say, just don't claim that it is a part of what The Buddha taught. Buddhism has adapted to whatever culture it is in. The concerns you mention are a part of global issues and the culture of the west. These issues need to be fixed! There is a difference between Buddhist cultural activism and the Dharma.

Christianity is no different. Having read the Bible extensively there is no place where it specifically calls on the Church to help unbelievers with hunger, lack of shelter etc. You could say it is implied as part of reaching unbelievers with the gospel. The Bible does speak clearly about how those in the Church should take care of each other. The Mission of the Church is found in Mark 16:15 "He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." All other things the Church does are simply means to this end.

I hope this clarifies what I was trying to say. If I upset you in some way, that was not my intent. The cause of division in every situation is clinging to our own perspectives. Our opinions are nothing more that mental formations. They have no more reality than the characters in a cartoon. Just like a cartoon we all have our "stories" that we cling to in our thoughts. The only reality they have is in our own minds. When many in the west are young we believe in Santa Clause, he is very real to children but he is only a mental formation in the same way as all of our thoughts.

Best wishes,
Dfvgthyju is offline


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