I think the ajhan has a point. I agree that for a person who doesn't realize he is suffering, Buddhism doesn't have much to offer. But, the term dukkha is greatly misunderstood by most. Generally speaking, people think the Buddha taught suffering as an inherent qualiy of life and nibbana as a way to escape these cyclic rounds of life (death and rebirth). Incidentially, it is also believed that the happiness you experience with your spouse, kids, career success or wealth is refused by the Buddha as causes of dukkha. Therefore, mundane happiness should also be avoided. In short, general misunderstanding is that a person's very existance is dukkha. Naturally, most people are not interetsd in this kind of dhamma. Therefore, it makes sense to clear some of these misconceptions and present Buddhism as a positive, lively, practical religion, applicable in this very life for mental peace and happiness, whether one wants to spend a successful lay life with spouses and kids, or whether one wants to go forth for a greater kind of happiness.