What significance does the concept of Pure Abodes and Heavens have for you?
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09-08-2010, 01:01 AM
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Oct 2005
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I think this quote from the wise words of the late Ajahn Buddhadasa is very relevant to this topic ....and directs us away from speculation about other realms and back to the importance of our actual practice.
"The real Buddhism is not books, not manuals, not word for word repetition from the Tipitaka, nor is it rites and rituals. These are not the real Buddhism. The real Buddhism is the practice, by way of body, speech and mind that will destroy the defilements, in part or completely.
One need not have anything to do with books or manuals. One ought not to rely on rites and rituals, or anything else external, including spirits
and celestial beings.
Rather one must be directly concerned with bodily action, speech and thought. That is, one must persevere in one's efforts to control and eliminate the defilements so that clear insight can arise. One will then be automatically capable of acting appropriately, and will be free of suffering from that moment right up to the end.
This is the real Buddhism. This is what we have to understand. Let us not go foolishly grasping at the tumour that is obscuring Buddhism, taking it for the real thing."
That's why I enjoy going to Ajahn Sumedho's teachings so much, because they direct one away from all the irrelevant stuff and back to practice in the here and now.
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