"...this is the method for extinction."
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08-04-2012, 11:37 AM
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Oct 2005
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"...this is the method for extinction."
Hello all,
Here the Buddha is giving an inspiring teaching in order to cool clinging and craving pointing toward Nibbana. If that is so, then,
is this teaching a way of mental cultivation -as meditation- or it is just wisdom as Right View?
2. Monks what is beneficial for extinction?
3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 ßHere, monks the monk reflects the eye, forms, eye-consciousness, eye-contact, [ear, nose, tongue, body] and whatever feelings pleasant, unpleasant or neither unpleasant nor pleasant born of eye-contact [ear, nose, tongue, body] as unpleasant.
8. ßThe monk reflects the mind, ideas, mind-consciousness, mind-contact and whatever feelings pleasant, unpleasant or neither unpleasant nor pleasant born of mind-contact as unpleasant.
3. ßHere, monks the monk reflects the eye, forms, eye-consciousness, eye-contact and whatever feelings pleasant, unpleasant or neither unpleasant nor pleasant born of eye-contact as lacking self
4, 5, 6, 7 ßThe monk reflects the ear, nose, tongue, the bodyscents nose-consciousness, [...]
8. ßThe monk reflects the mind, ideas, mind-consciousness, mind-contact and whatever feelings pleasant, unpleasant or neither unpleasant nor pleasant born of mind-contact as lacking self.
3. ßMonks, is the eye permanent or impermanent?û
ßVenerable sir, it is impermanent.û
ßThat which is impermanent is it unpleasant or pleasant?û
ßVenerable sir, it is unpleasant.û
ßThat impermanent, unpleasant, changing thing is it suitable to be considered, it is mine, I am there, it is my self?û ßNo, venerable sir, it is not so.û
ßThose impermanent, unpleasant changing things are they suitable to be considered, are mine, I am there, it is my self?û ßNo, venerable sir, it is not so.û
9. ßMonks the learned noble disciple seeing it thus turns from the eye, [nose, tongue, mind] turns from whatever feelings pleasant, unpleasant or neither unpleasant nor pleasant born of mind-contact, loses interest and knows I have nothing more to wish.
10. Monks, this is the beneficial method for extinction.û
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