'Nirodha' as 'appeasement'
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06-26-2012, 06:19 PM
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Oct 2005
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It comes from other discussions of this term, elsewhere.
Margaret Cone's dictionary offers
nirodha, 1. ceasing, cessation; the being no more; stopping, shutting of. ... 2. (for sannavedayitanirodha) the cessation of conception and feeling ... nir + udaya simply seemed correct, given this common reading of the term, but see below.
I had understood vaya to mean 'cessation', as in the compound udaya-vaya-nupassana-nana - here, I understood udaya-vaya- 'arising-ceasing-', as opposed terms. This is why 'cessation' as a translation of nirodha feels inadequate to me, and I prefer the literalism of making sure a translation reflects the structure 'ni(r) + ...'. (As an aside, as I understood it, 'ni(r)' has provided the 'r', making 'rodha' unlikely.)
As to 'appeasement', the word for this in Pali, I had thought, was santhanaṃ.
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