'Nirodha' as 'appeasement'
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06-26-2012, 06:52 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
and yet you offer the same...
definitely not
Element offered this:
Now from the remainderless fading and appeasement of that very ignorance comes the appeasement of fabrications.
From the appeasement of fabrications comes the appeasement of consciousness.
From the appeasement of consciousness comes the appeasement of mind-&-body.
From the appeasement of mind-&-bodycomes the appeasement of the six sense media.
From the appeasement of the six sense media comes the appeasement of contact.
From the appeasement of contact comes the appeasement of feeling.
From the appeasement of feeling comes the appeasement of craving.
From the appeasement of craving comes the appeasement of clinging.
From the appeasement of clinging comes the appeasement of becoming.
From the appeasement of becoming comes the appeasement of birth.
From the appeasement of birth, then aging-&-death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, distress and despair all are subject to appeasement.
Such is the appeasement of this entire mass of stress & suffering. Daverupa offered this:
Now from the remainderless fading and non-arising of that very ignorance comes the non-arising of fabrications.
From the non-arising of fabrications comes the non-arising of consciousness.
From the non-arising of consciousness comes the non-arising of mind-&-body.
From the non-arising of mind-&-bodycomes the non-arising of the six sense media.
From the non-arising of the six sense media comes the non-arising of contact.
From the non-arising of contact comes the non-arising of feeling.
From the non-arising of feeling comes the non-arising of craving.
From the non-arising of craving comes the non-arising of clinging.
From the non-arising of clinging comes the non-arising of becoming.
From the non-arising of becoming comes the non-arising of birth.
From the non-arising of birth, then aging-&-death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, distress and despair all are subject to non-arising .
Such is the non-arising of this entire mass of stress & suffering. the later is superstition because such an experience cannot be experienced in the liberated mind
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