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Old 07-11-2010, 08:25 AM   #36

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...the term 'bhava' thus would signify concrete individual existence in
The Pali states 'bhava' is a mental tendency. So how can bhava be something concrete?

Tayome, āvuso, āsavā – kāmāsavo, bhavāsavo, avijjāsavo.

There are three taints: the taint of sensual desire, the taint of being and the taint of ignorance.

Sammaditthi Sutta ‘‘Sattime , bhikkhave, anusayā. Katame satta? Kāmarāgānusayo, paṭighānusayo , diṭṭhānusayo, vicikicchānusayo, mānānusayo, bhavarāgānusayo , avijjānusayo. Ime kho, bhikkhave, satta anusayā’’ti. Paṭhamaṃ.

"Monks, there are these seven underlying tendency. Which seven?

"(1) The tendency of sensual passion.

"(2) The tendency of resistance.

"(3) The tendency of views.

"(4) The tendency of uncertainty.

"(5) The tendency of conceit.

"(6) The tendency of passion for becoming.

"(7) The tendency of ignorance.

"These are the seven obsessions."

Anusaya Sutta
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