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Old 07-12-2010, 05:58 AM   #8

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Zen still remains connected to Bodhisattva ideas
This is an issue I wanted to bring into light here...

Zen has some traditions that are about accent or emphasis like the Rinsai and Soto. Within this traditions, for example, in the case of Soto there are the so called "schools" which deal with some concrete aspects like the suttas of a particular Ancestor or an specific sutta or teaching. For example, the one with which I practice, his founder was Taisan Maetsumi. Under his guidance we are tightly committed with the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Noble Path. Also we are devoted to the Bendowa and the Genjo Koan of the Dogen's Shobogenzo and the sutta or our Third Ancestor, Sosan. We also agree with the teachings of Joko Beck and other.

This has become into a tradition where the Bodhisattva ideal is not heavily present or do not rule our practice. In this sense we are much more connected with the Arahat ideal than with that of the Bodhisattva. We also do not recognize as fundamental the Lotto sutta or the Heart Sutta for example, and the issue of rebirth is for us not important because what is important is the practice "per se", the here and now, zazen without purpose, Dana paramita "just because" because we think "that the rest" [what ever it is], not being in "our hands", if it is there, it will be realized by itself so this "things" or "ideas" are not present in our practice and even more... zazen and the rest of our practice has no room for rebirth or Boddhisatva ideal when they are done with absolute commitment and this commitment comes with the Kais (precepts) and the eight satoris.

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