The Greater Discourse on the Destruction of Craving - MN38
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04-28-2010, 03:21 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Yes, but why in particular?
Why is that? Because the disciple of the noble ones has seen well with right discernment this dependent co-arising & these dependently co-arisen
as they have come to be
"And what are dependently co-arisen phenomena? (Katame ca, bhikkhave, paṭiccasamuppannā dhammā?)
Aging & death are dependently co-arisen phenomena: inconstant; compounded, dependently co-arisen, subject to ending, subject to passing away, subject to fading, subject to cessation.
"Birth is a dependently co-arisen phenomenon...
"Becoming is a dependently co-arisen phenomenon...
"Clinging/sustenance is a dependently co-arisen phenomenon...
"Craving is a dependently co-arisen phenomenon...
"Feeling is a dependently co-arisen phenomenon...
"Contact is a dependently co-arisen phenomenon...
"The six sense media are dependently co-arisen phenomena...
"Name-&-form is a dependently co-arisen phenomenon...
"Consciousness is a dependently co-arisen phenomenon...
"Fabricators are dependently co-arisen phenomena...
"Ignorance is a dependently co-arisen phenomenon: inconstant, compounded, dependently co-arisen, subject to ending, subject to passing away, subject to fading, subject to cessation. These are called dependently co-arisen phenomena.
SN 12.20
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