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Old 03-29-2010, 06:07 AM   #2

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Oct 2005
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Having first directed one's thoughts and made an evaluation, one then breaks out into speech. That's why directed thought & evaluation are verbal fabricators
The above quote offers the meaning. The fabricators are the cause and the fabrication is the effect.

The breathing in & out is the cause and the state of the physical body is the effect.

Thought is the cause and speech (vaca) is the effect.

Perception & feeling is the cause and the various states of mind (citta), such as greed, hatred, delusion, are the effect.

"Dependent on eye & forms, eye-consciousness arises. The meeting of the three is contact. With contact as a requisite condition, there is feeling. What one feels, one perceives (labels in the mind). What one perceives, one thinks about. What one thinks about, one complicates. Based on what a person complicates, the perceptions & categories of complication assail him/her with regard to past, present, & future forms cognizable via the eye.

MN 18 Our own understanding of paticcasamuppada is still unrefined enough to address the question and so we await commentary from others because our theory is divorced from our meditation experience.

When we calm the breathing and clear the mind, this is the nirodha of ignorance out of consciousness.

Dependent origination is as follows:

Ignorance > kaya sankhara (breathing) > consciousness

Ignorance > vaca sankhara (subtle thought) > consciousness

Ignorance > citta sankhara (subtle perception/conditioned memories) > consciousness

When the sankhara (objects of meditation) are calmed, consciousness becomes clear rather than obscured by ignorance.

Please investigate this in your own practise.

Then you may understand Dependent Origination from practise rather than from books.

"There are, monk, these six quietenings. In him who has attained the first absorption, speech is quietened. Having attained the second absorption, thought-conception and discursive thinking are quietened. Having attained the third absorption, rapture is quietened. Having attained the fourth absorption, inhalation and exhalation is quietened. [5] Having attained the cessation of perception and feeling, perception and feeling are quietened. In a taint-free monk greed is quietened, hatred is quietened, delusion is quietened."

Rahogata Sutta

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