So, who likes cake?
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07-03-2012, 11:31 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Come on guys everyone knows it's easy to get addicted to collecting trading cards, at least people who are addicted to chocolate, trading cards and video games aren't hurting anybody but themselves. Right now I'm on a 12 step program to unrecover from my trading card addiction.
1. Pretend I never had a problem
2. Learn about the current community in existance about the game
3. Learn about how the cards have changed since my last purchase
4. Find a way to be part of that community (online counts)
5. Relearn build the decks
6. Relearn to play the game
7. Make a massive amount of money so I can afford to buy the cards
8. Actaully buy the cards
9. Decide what kind of deck to build
10. Build real life deck
11. Find and particapate in in-person games
12. Repeat all steps starting at step 7 making sure to enjoy the process
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