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Old 12-10-2010, 02:42 AM   #1

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Oct 2005
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Has anyone any other notions as to why Thailand is trying to restrict the sale of Electronic cigarettes? The Newspaper called "The Nation" recently had an article that warned against the use of these devices citing a study made by a Mahidol University dental school researcher called Dr Varanant Buejeap. In it, it explains that the study revealed that:

But the article does not link to the study directly and all mails to the staff at the univeristy have gone unanswered. The study itself appears to contain false egrigious information about the dangers of "e-smoking" In the article also, you will notice that it pormotes the use of nicotine-gum as a safe alternative. Now I know that a professor in thailand named Yongyuth Tundulawessa has coppy-writed his own nicotine gum called nicomild-2 and is the gum that is marketed to thai people. does anyone think there is a connection? has anyone ever heard of Dr Varanant Buejeap? her name is not listed anywhere outside of the nations's article. there are two studies so far preformed on the safety of electronic cigarettes. one by a team of dr's in new zealand and one by a Dr in Malaysia. His study was actually shut down by the malaysian government on the advice of the thai government. so what gives?

Has anyone ran into difficulty trying to buy an electronic cigarette? can anyone provide me with any feed-back?
All help would be appreciated, thanks.
I've been using them for about 3 months and have reduced by 30 to 40% which is good for me I use to smoke 2 packs a day. Can buy them here in Pattaya for 950bht with 10 refills.
Refills can also be bought at 390bht for 10. Come in Medium or strong.

The tobacco company giants such as Philip Moris have seen the future and it is indeed bleak for them. The tobacco giants wrote the bills that President Obama signed into law last week which gives them a leg up with the FDA. You can bet they have been at work world wide to get e-cigarettes banned.Philip Moris helps to kill over 400,000 of their best customers every year…the e-cigarette has not been linked to one death much less one illness since it’s introduction to the world in 2004.

Other countries are telling the world that these products should be banned because there is no way to regulate nicotine usage. While you could die if you ingested large amounts of nicotine by drinking it, by using a nicotine inhaler, vaporizer, or cigarette the most you could do is overdose on nicotine which is basically feeling dizzy, nauseated, and having a bad headache…looks like beer might have to be banned as well.

Aside from the fact that e-cigarettes are only delivering one chemical, nicotine, they also are helping people to cut down and stop smoking cigarettes which contain known carcinogens. In addition to tar, there is also carbon monoxide, ammonia and arsenic among other chemicals….4000 other chemicals!

Many studies including some sponsored by governments world wide, have shown that nicotine also has it’s upsides such as:
•Nicotine maydelay the onset and effects of both Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases.
•Nicotine may improve symptoms of attention deficit disorder and also Tourette’s syndrome.
•Nicotine has been found to influence mood, mental alertness, and addiction.
•Scientists have discovered that nicotine acts on nerve cells to enhance the release of neurotransmitters, chemicals that relay messages within the brain and nicotine increases a person’s ability to focus and pay attention.
•Nicotine is also known to switch on receptors on the surface of cells in certain parts of the brain, causing these neurons to release the Neuro-transmitter dopamine, a chemical that is responsible for feelings of pleasure.
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