They use the RD as an excuse for children turning out bad, instead of their lack of in-home education. No matter what country in the world you live in, 90% of everything your kid will ever learn is learnt right inside of your home. Anyone who said their social life was better elsewhere, was because you have chosen not to become part of the RD culture. Social life here is extremely rich and fulfilling and the love I receive from friends and family is something that I have never felt living in the US. I felt like all of my friends in the US were broke potheads who just hung around me because I had beer money and a nice car. In the RD, my friends have just as much or more money than I do, and hang around me because they like my company. This opinion is coming from a half-Dominican so maybe there is a different perspective, but I have some Canadian friends here who are freaking awesome.. even if they say eh all the time.. lol