Traveling to DR for first time - basic advice needed
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08-16-2012, 02:59 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
A whole lot depends on what you are going to do for such a short period of time.
-I agree with all that has been posted:
-No money changing on the street. Banks or Casa de Cambio (current rate 39 to 1)
-Taxis are RD$150 for most destinations in town.
-Don't carry anything you don't want to lose. Not your passport which should be in the safe.
-Go to an Orange store (across the street from your Hotel) and get the cheapest phone they have for like RD$300 and buy minutes with little cards..If you use your roaming privilege at US$7.50 a minute you will not be happy when you get home!!
Once you answer what you want to do for these few days, we can help you a lot more.
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