Kate's videos - awesome or shit?
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07-07-2011, 04:19 AM
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Oct 2005
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Some of her videos are older than MTV - and the development of the pop promo into music videos as we know them was only really happening over the course of the 70's and really exploded in the 80's with the arrival of MTV in the USA, following on from TOTP and other shows that showed pop promos increasingly more often.
But Kate is interesting, as she was merging theatre, dance and full costume ideas for each video - not simply just showcasing the band. Other acts were doing similar things, but not with the same visual language that Kate was doing in the early days. Of course, she was over-run and passed by in the late 80's, but her videos from HOL era are wonderful, and the best she's ever done in my opinion.
Though, I would like to see her work with other directors and not self-direct these days. I think the visual language of music videos has really surpassed whatever visual creative talent she has. She's definitely a better music creator than video artist since the late 80's, in my opinion.
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