Kate's videos - awesome or shit?
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08-24-2012, 08:07 AM
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Oct 2005
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REBECCA Black's global humiliation with her debut song Friday is a reminder that, thanks to the internet and sites like YouTube, embarrassing musical follies don't easily go away.
With a few notable exceptions before MTV, music clips were basically four people from a band standing on a stage looking at a camera - often with bored and confused expressions and limp hand actions.
Then in the '80s a new awareness of the power of the visual medium swept the music industry leading to increasingly elaborate videos - think Michael Jackson's Thriller or Madonna's Express Yourself.
Today stars like Lady Gaga and Rihanna are known for their clips as much as their music.
To celebrate three decades of video hits and misses, has compiled some of our favourite "so bad they're good (or perhaps just bad)" clips. We challenge you to find worse and tell us below with a comment.
Kate Bush: Sat in Your Lap, 1981 - From the "she's gone mad album" The Dreaming
There’s "out there" and then there’s this. Kate Bush is undoubtedly a talented and intriguing artist, yet that does not excuse this video. How she got funding to shoot herself dancing with minotaurs and what look like members of the Ku Klux Clan (they are supposed to be dunces) is just another one of the many mysteries surrounding this woman. Despite her bizarre interpretative dancing and the fact most of the cast are on roller skates this somehow managed to peak at no. 11 on the UK Singles Chart.
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