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Old 09-21-2012, 09:49 AM   #8

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I think the lyrics are beautiful. The "listen to your heart" bit is a little cheesy but goes well in context with the line that precedes it.

This is absolutely one of my favorites off of NOH, second to Star Whisperer. This album really hit me I think because I went through a separation from my partner of nearly 11 years about the time this came out and Fearlessness really struck me. The idea that after so many years of fighting through everything, from sirens, to battling with outside forces, adversaries or "enemies" if you will that wield blade-less weapons and the main thing holding you together is the fearlessness you both share. Battling so hard to keep it together and yet still finding fault in every thing each other does. It's pretty potent. I agree with Pete about the prose of the lyrics and find it refreshing, because besides the aforementioned "listen to your heart line", it doesn't go into cheesy literal territory but instead tells a simple poetic story about two lovers trying to keep it together.

A few things:

We sailed on like the ancient ones into the Nine Underworlds Why does she obviously sing "under works"? that's a damn K sound she makes, not -lds sound.

Fearlessness soon reminded me,
"You must be stronger than they"
cautioning, "There are those who live
to be cruel for the fun of it." This line hit me the hardest because by the end of my relationship, this was my partner. He was cruel. He would say the meanest things and I think he got off on it. His passive aggressiveness and name calling finally put me over the edge. Also, that little flutter of instrumentation after the last line of this stanza is heaven. It's my favorite part of this song. Possibly one of my favorite parts of the album. I almost want to grab my stomach when I hear it as it underlines and compliments that line so well it makes me a bit emotional.

Fearlessness drrrrrrrrown them out (ALSO I THOUGHT THIS WAS "DROWNED", BUT NO, IT'S AN APPEAL, NOT A DESCRIPTION) I didn't realize that either and that changes the context of the song a little bit, doesn't it? It's a bit more heartbreaking as an appeal, especially the way it's sung.

I love the instrumentation on this song and live it was stellar. She did seem a bit out of breath because she's got to keep tempo and it is a pretty urgent piece but I think she did it wonderfully.
Ruiceara is offline


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