No but Henry Surtees was killed by a flying tyre, Dan wheldon was killed by impact with a fence post, massa was nearly killed by flying debris and there is a history of connections between heads and external objects in open cockpit racing. However, the talk of covering cockpits in f1 is completely pointless IMO if it is not also mandated in f2, f3, wsr, gp2, formula ford, formula Renault, formula BMW, karts, IndyCar, Indy lights and any other open series you can think of. The risk is the same and just as unacceptable in these series, so why are we only expecting f1 to change. It's either all or nothing, or we are saying its acceptable en-route to f1 but not when you get there. Fact is the risk of that type of incident/injury/death is very low, but we've reached the point where covering the cockpit is probably the best/only way of reducing the risk further. Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2