Here's your chance to wish "Fearless Leader" , Bernie , a happy marriage . Back in the early eighties , I chased a girl all the way from small town Ontario , to Gstaad , in the Alps . She was chef for a while at a snotty boy's school , and then an "au pair"(sp) for a snotty "industrialist" and his model wife in Gstaad . Rubbed elbows(while serving) with Roger Moore , Robert Wagner , and Roman Polanski , but never ran into Bernie . I bet , though , that I know the guy who poured his champagne . And , I bet they went to Pernet's , a little grocery store , complete with an absolutely phenomenal wine cellar , for the smoked salmon . They had Rice Krispies , asparagus for $25.00 a bunch , and fruit I didn't recognise . What a bizarre world . Anyway , happy marriage , Bernie . Must have been a heck of a pre-nup .