Please help! Need advice about neighbors pit bull..
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09-14-2012, 08:33 AM
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Oct 2005
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I'm sorry but whoever said, a dog is better off dead then having a owner who lets them run free while there outside is being a little drastic. i mean lets get real, there probably loving to there animals provide it a good home and are just ignorant to the fact that they have naturally DA animals.
I know to the OP your probably trying to avoid confrontation, and odds are simply making a passive aggressive remark to the owner are not going to get the point across. You should do the right thing to provide a happy home for you and your animals and the owner and his and inform him. Don't be smug about it like a lot of people on here, just explain the facts and if you receive a defiant or negative response then you can bring up calling animal control for you and your dogs safety.
I have been in this situation with my neighbors who own chows, one charged me and Achilles while he was on a leash and i explained to him that for both our dogs safety they need to be leashed when outside. And especially if anyone got bit breaking up the fight we could both lose our dogs. He agreed and apologized and now we wave and smile at each other as we walk our dogs. People can be reasonable as well as ignorant to facts but you have to give them the benefit of the doubt.
I'm sorry for the rant but a person not knowing facts is not a crime, and no dog needs to be taken or killed because of it, it just means maybe someone hasn't taken the time to teach them and someone coming off as hostile is the last thing that will make them learn. aka calling police or AC on them right of the bat. I hope everything works out and you get everything settled with them, because nothing is suppose to be more relaxing then a walk with your dog.
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