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Old 08-16-2012, 05:31 AM   #11

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Oct 2005
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Bit Coin is a HoneyTrap pure and simple and anybody that tell you otherwise is Dishonest, Delusional or works for Them (JWR is a former inteligence Consultant IIRC)

In Order for you to trust Bitcoin you are under the ASSumption that a Digital Instrument can be protected from the Gubermint.

Let me ask you a question: Do you really think a organization like the National Security Agency (NSA) ( which is said to be 5 to 20 times larger then the CIA nobody knows for certain because it is a state secret) is going to be held in check by Bitcoin

I TELL YOU THIS: At a time and Hour NOT of your choosing Bitcoin will have its plugged pulled for being a "threat" to Economic National Security and anybody who held them will be paid a visit by MIB to give a account for why they have not paid taxes on those "monies" held. They shouldnt have a much a problem locating you because they were held them in a" anonomyous" wallet

You can dilly dally all you like but the bottom line is this ......if it is on the Digital Grid. They Know about it and more importantly THEY CONTROL IT.

Stay simple....stay tangible......stay vigilent.....stay Alive.
cafeviahe is offline


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