social security admin buying 174,000 rounds of hollow point bullets
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08-15-2012, 05:24 PM
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Oct 2005
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It would be interesting to observe the distribution of this ammunition in relation to the racial makeup of the locations receiving it.
Also, I doubt that the government is planning to arm their civil service employees. If they did that, they would have to train them on how to use those weapons. In the event of an emergency, they would likely shut down their offices and send a contingency of armed FPS personnel to prevent looting or damage to the government property.
My guess is that the most shooting will be done by DHS. Given the nature of their mission and the 'legitimacy' this organization gets from the statutes that created them, it is entirely possible that their employees are exempt from taking an Article VI oath of allegiance to the Constitution. It is also entirely possible that some of that ammunition is destined to be used on other security personnel who take their oaths seriously. DHS is going to morph into smoething akin to the Nazi SS.
This is all totally amazing considering how little evidence there is of any organized opposition to the government. Makes them look like total paranoid loony cuckoo birds. I'm sure they don't care what they look like. Their motto will evolve into something like 'Comply or die." We all better practice up on our obsequiousness skills.
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