Schmuck Test
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08-19-2012, 11:58 PM
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Schmuck Test
Woot ! pass 'em out ! LOL !!
Are You The Perfect Schmuck?
A Quiz
August 6, 2012
Lorie Kramer
Don't you love those nifty little quizzes in magazines, and polls on the net, that ask a bunch (or too few) of questions... then score the answers, and then bestow upon you
assessment of how your answers define you? In
eyes that is. Don't you get excited about the ones with the numbers you can't verify that put you in some percentile, thereby further segmenting you as an individual; while simultaneously turning you into a fraction of some invisible group; becoming a tool for the manipulation of others by TPTW? Me too! I like them so much, and I've seen all these other places around doing them so I thought, what the heck? Sounds like fun. This is my first attempt, I need a
hot topic
. So here we go.
I figured I had to think of a topic that would really be getting to the meat of the matter. I mean, who needs another poll about which lying, cheating, terrorist in sheep's
, materialistic, sociopathic, zionist controlled, evil butt licker is "
" in the US election theater production of
"2012 - Get Fooled Again"?
Not me, THAT'S for sure!
So, after much deliberation, I tried to distill what I felt was the most bottom line problem. I think it's probably (
) the general deterioration, intentional destruction, and debasing of pretty much anything that has to do with humanity, nature, liberty, love and spirit on the planet. That sounds about right. OK the quiz or poll could be about that, but there's so much! So... I'm thinking... what would be the largest contributor to the problem? Hmmmmm. Eureka! It's gotta be
Now to those for whom this term "schmuck" causes a
, I will define. A schmuck is one of those endearing descriptive terms people come up with to express to others how they think about someone
. It is actually a pejorative: a word having an unpleasant or disparaging connotation. A schmuck is someone who is a stupid or contemptible person; an oaf. It's a judgement, of sorts, of the schmuck's capabilities and value (note: I said value, not values - big difference) It can be spelled schmuck, or shmuck. The word is Yiddish, it started being used about 1890 - 95. That's when Jewish immigration to the US was 20,700 a year, some running from Russia, and Polish, Galician, and Romanian Jews. The actual Yiddish word was considered vulgar and meant literally, penis (of uncertain origin.) The use of which I guess eventually expanded, or perhaps that should be contracted, to the portion of one's penis which is cut off during circumcision. It then evolved to include the metaphorical meanings: a prick, an asshole, an ignorant gullible dumbass, a sucker, etc.
Growing up Catholic, I never knew the original meaning of the word, schmuck. I heard it rarely. I knew what a few Yiddish words and phrases meant, like Oy vey! and mishugina. I knew what a shmendrik was. I have never been a shiksa, and I knew I was a goy, but would never be a giyoret. I knew Jews called blacks "schwartzes" or "schvantzes". Nice...not. I just thought a schmuck was an idiot, and/or a patsy...someone who is very easy to take advantage of, manipulate, and control. So, in preparation for this piece I researched the word and found the expanded definition was enlightening in it's grossness, don't you think?
Well, the
thing just works for me...I will go so far as to include
. So, I'm going to stick to
definitions for the purpose of this fun little quiz. You can do your own thinking about what discarded, dried up remnants of circumcisions, and you, have in common. For me, it is one of the reasons schmuck seems to fit the quiz so well.
So... if schmucks are the problem, how do we identify them so we can start them on a schmuck recovery program; thereby increasing the chances that the 100th schmuck principle could take effect, in reverse? The question of the age.
Hmm. Voila! No need to call in Echelon type technologies and spy on emails and Internet postings. We'll do a handy, dandy quiz!
Are You The Perfect Schmuck?
I get all my news from major media sources and it is accurate, truthful, and good journalism. ___ ___ I believe the US two party system actually elects the President and Congressional members. ___ ___ I think paper money is worth something and Wall Street is necessary. ___ ___ I believe all my votes are counted and tabulated accurately and honestly. ___ ___ I think wars are necessary and inevitable, and that there are actually "rebels" behind the "problems" in the Mid East. ___ ___ I think the TSA is there to protect me. ___ ___ I think the EPA totally cares for, and works to protect, the natural environment, for citizens. ___ ___ I think the FDA totally cares for, and works to protect, the safety of the national food supply for citizens. ___ ___ I think the CDC totally cares for, and works to protect, the health and safety of citizens. ___ ___ I believe a difference of opinion or belief, religious or otherwise, and concerns about illegal immigration, gay marriage or abortion equals "hate". ___ ___ I think Lady Gaga is awesome. ___ ___ I think sex is just sex, and morals are passe'. ___ ___ I think the Federal Reserve is just a big government bank and is necessary, trustworthy, and has my best interest at heart.. ___ ___ I think "conspiracy theories" like Obama's origin, UFO's, 911, OKC, the Aurora shootings, the NWO, "chemtrails", Morgellons, etc are all bunk.
wouldn't do
. ___ ___ I believe government entitlement programs like welfare and subsidies are rights. ___ ___ I think cell phones, smart meters, x-rays, and wireless technologies, and nuclear energy are safe. ___ ___ I think Wal Mart is awesome. ___ ___ I think the opening ceremonies of the 2012 Olympics were awesome. ___ ___ I know more about football or who's on
Dancing With the Stars
than what is happening in my child's classroom. ___ ___ I think vaccines and fluoridated water and anti-depressants are safe, and for my benefit. ___ ___ I think marijuana is the devil's weed and dangerous with no medicinal benefits whatsoever. ___ ___ I think race, gender, or age make a difference. ___ ___ I think owning guns for protection of life and property is wrong and dangerous. ___ ___ I think the government has my best interest at heart. ___ ___ I think, "What's love got to do with it?" ___ ___ I think Facebook and Twitter are awesome. ___ ___ I think I am not a slave. ___ ___
To determine your score and find out how big of a schmuck you are...add up your "Yes" responses and check the legend below:
You are a rare breed, nearly extinct. You don't "think", you
that you are not a slave. You need to reproduce immediately. You strike fear into the holes where the hearts of the evil creeps in charge should be. May the force be with you. Namaste'.
1 - 6
Obviously you have a clue as to what is going on in the US and across the world, and are most likely losing sleep, or are at least mildly depressed. (Try to stay off the meds.) Tackling those last few areas will be difficult, but try to endure. You're worth it.
7 - 12
Although you may have a grasp of the reality of some issues, you are still holding on to some illusions. You think Alex Jones is a "truth seeker". You could benefit from more research and self determination. Think of it as taking your selfhood back.
13 - 19
You are well on your way to becoming a successful schmuck. Look forward to increasing relinquishment of your personal power.
20 - 26
You are what is commonly referred to as a "
", which, like schmuck, is a perjorative. Good Luck.
You are a Perfect schmuck! And I mean that in the nicest way possible. So you know what that makes you. You are totally compromised as a true planetary human being and US citizen. You have played right into
hands, and should seek help immediately, if it's not too late already.
Wasn't that fun?
So, now you know your score. Some of you may take that information and have a "light bulb" moment and try to escape the path to Schmucktopia. I wish you well on your honorable quest.
The rest of you?'ll just keep on being schmucky, more, or less, I suppose. For the sake of this nation, and humanity, I hope it's less.
The Media is the Matrix
Truths, Half-Truths, Lies and Cowards
When Is It Going To Be Enough, America?
Lorie Kramer
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