Schmuck Test
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08-20-2012, 02:12 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
OHL, this is a Sheeple test. A shmuk is an asshole. Someone who is self-absorbed, knows everything, and doesn't give a damn about you. Or anybody else. Someone who is wantonly cruel or insensitive. For some people it is the default setting. Others can morph into and out of assholeism in the blink of an eye. Intelligent, sophisticated people can be assholes. I know a few of those. I'm sure you do too. Sheeple are people who don't. or can't think for themselves. They have no courage. They always want to be in the majority, and avoid at all costs standing out from the flock. Many sheeple are assholes to boot. What I say to the sheeple is 'flock them'. As for the assholes, or shmuks, they deserve reciprocity. And if you don't want to play their game, just ignore them. They will get whatever they deserve because they cannot escape the law of Karma.
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