Thread: $6000 silver
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Old 07-18-2012, 12:12 AM   #10

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Nov 2005
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There's a lot of nutcases in the Gold/Silver community. It doesn't help us to tolerate them. They are a cancer to our cause/beliefs and need to be called out on it.
+1, Shami

I finally made myself listen to one --and even THAT was hard--of his recent "audio intervews on YouTube."

I literally could NOT believe the flawed logic he was advancing about the why's and what's behind gold and/or silver price manipulation for the last several decades. The price manipulation argument is a basic point of agreement amongst many of is...but the REST of that Bix interview, since it obviously sprung from his how the world works viewpoints-- sure made it difficult to take anything he had to say about "future G&S pricing" indications seriously.

Yours truly added him to the wingnut bonepile after listening to most of it. Now, when I see his name, I just keep walkin'...He's not on my short list of credible 'bugs.'

Teligacio is offline


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