How long do you wait to get a new dog after you have PTS your friend? Also, is it a good idea to foster pitbulls with small children around (under 2)? How do you know when the time is right?
I absolutely know that HA is not part of the pitbull breed, in fact quite the opposite. What I meant is that in trying to come to terms with having to put our 2 1/2 year old dog down for her HA, we read a lot of stories of dogs who have turned on their people suddenly, which can be a little bit frightening. I know that it's not the norm. It was the most difficult decision of my life to PTS my dog for HA. I loved her like crazy and she was amazing with us, but no way was I going to take the chance that she'd hurt someone else and then have that guilt on top of how I already feel about putting her to sleep. So the reason I even brought that up is how do you know if a dog is HA? In an older rescue dog you should know immediately right? Tinkerbell didn't start out that way. She gradually got worse to the point of being capable of anything, and when we couldn't fix it we euthanized her. That is my only concern. I never want to have to go through this again with a dog I love. It was so difficult. I hope this makes sense. I would never consider getting another pitbull if I thought HA was the norm, especially around my 22 month old son. I'm not stupid, I've been researching since we realized Tinkerbell had a problem, and I know that the norm is for pitbulls to be super human friendly.