I'm not a fan on no-kill in the basic sense. "Dump your dog on us, and we'll house him in a concrete kennel and give him food and water every day, while depriving him on human contact otherwise. He will sit here, lie here, eat here, and urinate and defecate here for 10 years until the day he dies. Don't worry. He's just happy to be alive." Ummm....no. Let's go back to my favorite saying. "Just because a dog is alive doesn't mean it's living." As for adopting out HA dogs (and even fear aggressive dogs), there's no room for it. For every HA dog a bleeding heart rescuer pushes onto an ill-equipped bleeding-heart adopter, tens more 'pit bulls' with amazing temperaments die from no one wanting them. (of course I made up the numbers, but the number of good ones is probably much, much higher)