I knew a blanket sucker and a teddy bear sucker. Now we have CoCo who kneads and sucks on her ball.
Yes, my foster does the paw thing too. I think it's related to nursing. The theory used to be that the dog was taken away from the mom dog too soon, weaned too early. But that might be a old wives tale.
That is too cute! Never had a dog that did that, though XD
Too cute! Kahne gathers all the blanket he can and pushed it under him and lays on like hes making a bed.
I had a Jack Russell mix that use to suck on a stuffed toy dog back leg to either fall asleep or just for comfort.
thats really cute capone doesnt suck on blankets but he sure does love to play under them i would agree with the comfort thing also..or maybe she just likes to have her own blanket