This is actually a pretty normal thing. As golfers begin to see success and go from the 100s to the 90s they start to see steady improvement and see it fairly quickly. It is then that you hit a hurdle and trust me its the same hurdle you begin to hit each time you look to break 95, then 90, then 85, then 80. It gets harder as you go lower. In the end, I usually just tell people to stick with it and not get upset. Two things changed my game for me for the better and that was course management and short game. Course Management - Keep the big numbers away. If you get in trouble, take your medicine. On tough shots, play to a number. Off the tee, be looking at the 150 stake, not blasting away. These are all things that changed my game and brought me to my goals. If you eliminate all 7s from your card, you move to the next step of eliminating all 6s. Now I shoot for nothing higher than a 5 ever. Short Game - Its the one that you will hear most about. Two things come into my mind when seeing big improvements from people. 4-8 foot putts and getting up and down. When you get to the course before your round and hit the putting green you always see people work on putting from 15-25 feet to gauge speed. Work on putts from 5 and 8 feet and you will see a big difference. When off the green, do not be bashful to use a putter. Even out of the rough. Most amateurs will get it closer with a putter in their hands from there then they will with a wedge or something else. Its about eliminating the wasteful numbers This is just my thoughts, because they worked for me.