Alister McRae- Got awesome drives with Subaru, Hyundai, Mitsubishi, Group N Subaru and now Proton and not not done anything worthwhile with any of them. I am open to rebuttals on his performances in these cars. Guy Wilks- I like him but I cannot understand what has gone wrong in IRC, JWRC, PWRC and why he couldn't get money for a WRC Subaru. I think there is something in that. Armin Schwartz- Good guy but only won 1 rally and was in several good cars Toyota, Ford (hyundai, skoda were bad) Freddy Loix- Good in IRC but didn't do anything in WRC. Maybe he was OK in Sweden in 2003. Bruno Thiry- similar to Loix Petter Solberg- Should have defended his 2003 title and won some more rallies. The 2006-7 Subarus were not as bad as 2008 was.