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Old 08-29-2012, 09:08 AM   #8

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Oct 2005
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The soldiers who desert their post in the US Army is increasing rapidly at a rate unseen since Vietnam War.

Three reasons for this could be put forward:

The duration of the assignment and the absence of any timetable for troop withdrawal. The Governments obstinate attitude despite the pressure from the people and the Democrats in the Congress.

The low morale and the rising number of casulaties among the troops. Even though the number of casualties is dropping, Iraq is still a highly dangerous place for a soldier seen as invaders. Surely and thankfully, hatred against American soldiers in Iraq is not like the perennial hatred against Israeli soldiers in the occupied territories but still it is an unsafe environment in a highly divided country.

The loss of the battle for "hearts and minds". How can you win the hearts and minds of the people you invaded and sent decades back? How could we, when the images of Abu Guraib still lingers in people's minds?

Soldiers quitting their jobs and escaping Canada... That's better if this will keep one more Iraqis and Americans alive.
That sounds nice, now here is the truth.

Most Soldiers (and Marines, Sailors, Airmen) that desert are plain and simple scumbags. And they desert for reasons much different then those you describe.

Here, let me give you an example of a few. I have been in Uniform for over 12 years now, and here are some of the desertions I have seen:

Male soldier, was chosen to take a urinalisys and fled. Turned himself in a month later.

Male soldier, was arrested for armed robbery (time in jail counts as AWOL).

Male soldier, comitted a hit & run on base.

Male soldier, was arrested in Mexico on Drunk & Disorderly charges (Juarez Mexico was off limits at the time). Went AWOL after release from Mexican authorities, turned himself in after 30 days.

(the 4 prior incidents all involved the same soldier)

Male Marine, felt he deserved an extra long vacation, so took an extra 30 days beyond his 2 week post training leave.

Male Marine, did not like the responsibility of being an NCO, deserted for 30 days so he could be busted back to Lance Corporal.

Female Soldier, upset that she was transfered to another base deserted to move back to her old base with her BF. Was arrested 6 months later in a traffic stop and returned.

Male soldier who worked in Finance, set up direct deposit of 4 other soldiers into his bank account, deserted the day they hit. Was arrested 2 months later at his mother's home and sent back.

Female soldier, upset that her First Sergeant yelled at her deserted and went back home. A month later her mother put her on a bus back to base.

Male sailor, his grandmother died and he did not want to wait for the command to proccess his Emergency Leave. Caught a plane home as his leave was approved, and stayed at home for 2 months. Was returned after his uncle (a cop) got suspicious and ran him through the system.

Female soldier, platoon sergeant smelled alcohol on her breath and took her to the MPs for a breath test. Went to the bathroom and dissapeared.

Female soldier, jailed for narcotics trafficking charges, upon release from County Jail (3 months) eluded the MPs sent to get her and has not been seen since.

Male Marine, arrested on base after a hit and run accident (served 6 months).

Male soldier, is still on the run 18 months after assaulting his ex-girlfriend physically and sexually.

My unit is deployed at this time, and not one person deserted prior to our departure. Not one person has deserted during R&R leave either.

Plain and simple, 99.9% of those that desert are scumbags. They normally have problems, and try to blame those problems on the Military (or their command, or the Government, or anything other then themselves).

And a lot of people in trouble otherwise tend to go AWOL, under the idea that "They can't do anything else to me". After all, if you are facing an Article 15 for being 1 hour late (or failing a drug test, or drunk on duty), why not go AWOL? When you get back the odds are that you will get the same punishment.

And if Canada wants these people, they are more then welcome to them.
Ijkavylo is offline


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