Gov Romney and FEMA
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11-02-2012, 09:14 PM
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Oct 2005
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Mitt Romney had to quickly backtrack
from a populist-toned campaign pitch to put power back in the hands of state and local entities during disaster, instead backing the big government FEMA solution that has proven ridiculously incompetent during past disasters despite extensive and costly planning for emergency plans and a blank check to Homeland Security’s mission.
Mainstream media have
echoed this
uncritical endorsement,
giving FEMA preemptive praise
for its efforts in Sandy. ‘
FEMA is the solution
,’ and other bold claims are made to ensure the public does not break out of the
illusion that FEMA
is its loving savior.
But FEMA remains an agency capable only of a mismatched response, too slow to handle the most immediate needs to contain potential chaos, but always on pace for a gradual power grab after the fact, actually feeding off a greater disaster.
Once again, this bloated government agency can’t and won’t help the masses in a disaster. Yet politicians throughout the corporate-owned two party system are lining up to meet any request for FEMA funds, already approaching
$12 billion plus
, despite its track record of failure.
While nearly 5 million people are without power for perhaps another week, the
Huffington Post
, among others, has identified 17 million living in FEMA’s disaster relief zone, soon to be occupied by an inefficient, top down control mechanism.
What's that you say FEMA isn't working fast enough? Well, the solution then as with any big government solution that doesn't work is to give it more power, more money and more control and when that doesn't work either just keep repeating the process until it does.
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