How important?
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10-16-2012, 06:10 PM
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Oct 2005
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This is a very good thread, and gets to the crux of the dilemma of this election. Mont brought up a very good point about being a Christian. Being a Christian does not require good leadership skills, and he had none. However, I do believe in my heart that Jimmy Carter is a Christian, and his life shows it. Reagan was a good leader. He also had a sense of morality, and stated he was a Christian. He was a Presbyterian. I also believe him to have been a Christian. Since Reagan left office, we have had a situation of no leadership, and very little evidence of Christianity. The Bushes did show some inclination of being Christian. However, the rest, had no leadership or spiritual qualities, ie Gore, Kerry, McCain, Obama or Romney. I do think if one is a Christian, and both candidates are equal excluding that, my vote would go to the Christian. That is something we certainly do not have to worry about this year. Salty brought up another good point. If Obama were a Christian, he would still not get my vote with his record.
We are not sure Obama is a Muslim, to be fair, but we are sure Romney is not a Christian. This is the worst choice in American history. My vote is hanging on the trustworthiness of Romney declaring he is now pro life and anti gay rights. That is not much to hang your hat on. Maybe this would put it better into perspective. If John Kennedy was running against Romney this year, my vote would go for Kennedy. If Romney were running against Johnson, McGovern, Gore or Dukakis, I would vote for Romney.
I wonder how many people voted against John Kennedy in 1960 because he was Catholic because his opponent Richard Nixon was a Protestant and so honest?
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