A few of my random thoughts tonight
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11-07-2012, 11:37 AM
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Oct 2005
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I'll give an external point of view, concerning how things go here, and the feelings I have, but I think most rich and industrialized capitalist countries have some of this going on ...
- These past years, the richest became richer, the poorest became poorer. Subprimes crisis, and then world economy crisis, nothing changed that scheme that was already going on. The mid classes tend to go poorer. I think that it's true everywhere in the rich western countries.
- The stock market and notation agencies rule the world .... on biased ways. Some companies are highly rated, and some flamed down, by speculation. Not on real economy, and that is part of the matter. When a company is worth 50 % less at the stock market than its real value (in terms of funds and belongings, market shares, patents), then there's a matter ... When an internet company that no one has any idea of how it's going to make profit manages to raise billions ... there's a problem too.
There's excess everywhere ... Big cars, big houses, big people, big amounts of food, big money ... No moderation.
I finally think the matter is desillusion. Capitalism, I mean savage capitalism (no taxes, the market rules everything ....) is desillusion. We need rules ... and we don't seem to be able to rule the market. But the biggest desillusion, is the end of an ideal, of a model, which was, I think, a thing we admired about the USA, and that should have inspired us (I mean european) when it still was " more " possible : " If you want it, just work hard, and you'll get it ". That's no more as simple as that. I think all of us know people who work really hard, who don't count their hours, and still they don't earn that much more than some basic employees at the end of the month. Courageous, hard workers, don't systematically earn what they deserve.
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