Why do Supreme Court Justices only move to the left?
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11-13-2005, 06:46 AM
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Oct 2005
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Gay rights (you may deem this a sex issue, but in reality it is more related to property rights
It's still about sex, because a gay man is still subject to the same violations of his right to his property as everyone else is by liberal legislation. The only difference here is the sex.
freedom of speech & expression (i.e. protesting the war),
Wrong. Few, if any conservatives have called for restricting speech in regards to the war or anything else. Liberals, on the other hand, are all into political correctness and banning political speech if there might be money from sources they don't like behind it. McCain-Feingold was mainly liberal legislation, although it couldn't have passed without some Republicans and Bush's signature. Still, the point stands. Conservatives are the main enemies of restrictions on political speech, liberals the main proponents of regulated speech.
separation of church and state
That's not a liberty/regulation issue.
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