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Old 11-13-2005, 12:56 PM   #12

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Oct 2005
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You know I here this type of thing and I wonder who is kidding who. This is simply one more way of saying you either must support the war wholeheartedly or you are not a real AMerican. The only difference is this poster has tried to camoflage that kind of rhetoric slightly. He even goes so far as to say if we all just got on board there would not have been the over 2,000 American lives lost and god knows how many Iraqis. We don't know how many because to avoid any comparisons with Vietnam we aren't counting them, at least not publically.

You know what the difference between the Dems and even some Republicans who initially supported the war and now questions it and you is? THey are thinking. They see what is going on and realize their initial mistakes. You don't. Were are not safer. Has the US been hit again? No but how long did it take between the first WTC bombing and 911. In the meantime the Spanish have been hit, the English have been hit, the Australians have been hit in Bali, and the Jordanians have been hit, but the mere fact that the terrorists we suposedly went to war with in Afghanistan haven't been able to hit the US is all you need to proclaim some sort of victory. No my friend it isn't those of us who question that are unamaerican, it is you who have seemed proclaim a love for the constitution, but clearly do not like the freedoms conveyed by that document. It is you who have forgotten, or never learned, the political lessons of Vietnam. It is you who have forgotten or never learned the lesson of a government run amuck spying on its own people like the FBI did in the 60's and 70's, and is doing again all in the name of security. For the most part it is you who have read history, had it taught to you, but not learned a damned thing from it, or think you are somehow smarter this time and wont fall back into the same traps.

There is a saying. People who have not learned from history are doomed to repeat it, and you who swallow everything the admimnistration tells you hook line and sinker are living proof of the validity of this saying.
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