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Old 11-04-2005, 02:31 AM   #34

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Oct 2005
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Hey conformfailure...

We really said all those things ???

Hot damn...we're some witty motherf_ _k_ rs, ain't we ???

But I really don't think it's necessarily what you say in life,'s what you believe.

And I would contend that the following beliefs are proof positive that the left has indeed been UNHINGED...for a very, very long time:

Belief #1) The pre war Iraq intelligence shared to Congress is somehow different than the pre war Iraq intelligence shared to the White House:

It must be...John Kerry viewed the same intelligence as the President (along with Hillary Clinton, Jay Rockefeller & Ted Kennedy)...& at first, came to one conclusion (which was the same conclusion that the President, Vice President, Secretary of Defense; & a host of random politicos on both sides of the isle came to)...

...& then later, John Kerry (& the remainder of the UNHINGED left), came to a very different conclusion.

Belief #2) Adhering to the absurd notions & conspiracy theories of Michael Moore is very good...but adhering to the balderdash which claimed Bill Clinton had Vince Foster murdered is very, very bad:

This one sort of speaks for itself...nutballs come in all flavors. [And; since the 9/11 Commission (along with the help of testimony from famous Bush hater: Richard Clark) has debunked most of Moore's theories...I guess they're in on the fix too, eh?]

Belief #3) A Woman can be trusted with decisions about her own body...but to hell with the man who partnered the living thing she is making a life & death decision about:

Well...I think we should at least consult with the fathers, too...maybe? Whadda yu think?

Belief #4) (& one of my personal favorites) In the 70's & 80's, the Sandinistas were really "Agrarian Reformers"; & came to power in a free election:

& let's see...they also didn't really murder landowners & turn profitable coffee plantations into Stalin style collective farms...they didn't really "remove" thousands of Nicaraguan teachers & replace them with Cuban socialist "educators"...they didn't really brutalize the native Mikisto Indians & burn their villages...they didn't really set up neighborhood "Defense Committees", using Che Guevera style tactics against neighbors & folks who just didn't want to be fuckin' socialists...they didn't really set up a soviet style military...they didn't really aid & abet Marxist uprisings in El Salvador, Guatemala, etc....

...&...oh yeah...Ronald W. Reagan was a really, really bad man for puttin' a stop to it.

Belief #5) Jimmy Carter is an honorable man; & has worked tirelessly toward world peace:

Yes...yes...we especially admire the "great naive one" in his brokering of the nuclear power deal with North Korea...the one the North Koreans used to begin building nuclear weapons about 10 minutes after Carter's jet was over international waters.

Belief #6) George H. W. Bush & Manual Noriega conspired to bring crack cocaine into the inner kill off all the minorities:

I'm surprised Michael Moore or George Soros hasn't picked up on this one...don't they socialize with Maxine Waters or Alec Baldwin?

Belief #7) Health care should be a national "right":

Yeah,'s worked wonders in France & Canada. I'm wondering though...why is it that R & D for new & innovative pharmaceuticals in countries with socialized health is one-tenth of what it is in the United States...or why health care professionals in those countries are plagued by a lack of incentive; & find it difficult to learn & practice model medical skills...why they can't obtain state-of-the-art treatment gear...or why rich foreigners come the good ol' U.S.A. for high tech surgery?

Belief #8) George W. Bush is a stupid, inarticulate man:

Yeah...and Nancy Pelosi & Ted Kennedy are really brilliant mother f_ _kers, too!, ain't they? Why..."W" is so goddamned dumb...40 million Afghanis & Iraqis became free citizens before John Kerry realized what he was up to.

Belief #9) If you're a hip-hop emulatin' druggie or a steroid poppin' hillbilly in the sports industry, you're rationalized away by the press...idolized by kids...applauded by your peers...& pardoned by your employers.

If you're a conservative talk show host with a substance abuse become the subject of ridicule by the pointy chinned; & the victim of an illegal witch hunt by overzealous/partisan law enforcement officials.

Dit-a-lit, dit-a-lit, dit-a-lit, dit-a-lit...

Belief #10) George W. Bush stole the 2000 election:

Correct us if were wrong here...but didn't hundreds of members of the liberal media comb the entire state of Florida looking in every crevice for "disenfranchisement", without finding a drop? And didn't the so-called disenfranchisement & supposed voter fraud occur in counties that were run by Democrats? And wasn't the vote counted in those counties 4 times... Democrats...

...& Bush won every time?

Now...what we'd like to know is: Those absentee ballots from Florida's U.S. military men & women stationed overseas...the ones the Florida Democrats wouldn't permit to be counted...doesn't that count as disenfranchisement?

Hey conformfailure...the list goes on & on & on & on...

The left is doomed...everybody knows it. The polls are skewed...the war is righteous & succeeding (I know Marines & fly boys (both Republican & Democrat) who tell me the American & European press is full of shit]'re gonna' loose seats in 2006 (& the Supreme Court in January of the same year.) We're taking this country back from a failed ideology run by anti-Americans & criminal deffense attorneys & immoral elites & phony, entrenched educators who don't really care about poor kids & socialist apologist academics & race hustlers, etc., etc., etc.

Doctor DieHard

BTW - Update...Update...Update: Joe Wilson told a Canadian newspaper (not long after his infamous New York Times op-ed piece criticizing Bush over no WMD's) that, finding WMD's could be viewed as "immaterial"...considering that the main focus should be regime change, coupled with a democratically stable mid-east region.

Nah...never mind...that's not #11 on the list of whackleftist beliefs...that's actually sensible.
Defending your book Mrs. Malkin?
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