US President George W Bush has admitted that plans for a 34-nation free trade zone in the Americas have stalled. The idea of the FTAA, which was intended to cover the whole hemisphere except Cuba, was originally put forward at the first Summit of the Americas in Miami in December 1994. However, differences between the US and Brazil over how to proceed, the 2001-2 economic crisis in Argentina and the rise to power of FTAA opponent Hugo Chavez in Venezuela all disrupted the timetable. -------- It seems that, now that Latin America has entirely shifted towards the left, and that Canada is no good friends with the US either, the dream of creating the world's largest free trade zone for the US's interests definitely belongs to the past. Meanwhile, there's a new dream that's definitely beginning to take shape, and that's MERCOSUR: Chavez and Lula and the other left-wingers on the continent are the driving force behind this new union, which has the backing of all parties, to the rage of the US. America is isolated on this front too.