Though I despise legislating from the bench ... I see nothing unconstitutional about Roe. Okay ... maybe that's contradictory ... ... What I mean is, as long as the newly conceived is not recognized by the SCOTUS as a "legal" person, even though the newly conceived is most definitely a human being, then there's nothing Constitutionally wrong with including abortion is Roe's list of privacy behaviors.
The Constitution cares not one way or the other. Legislation can be at either level.
Nope -- wrong. The 1st Amendment makes it clear that the fed can't make religion relevant.
But religion is rightly defined as a philosophy that reflects the two tenets of 1) souls and, 2) before/after life.
There is nothing about "God" or "A Higher Power" or the like that makes a philosophy a religion, as hard as this simple fact is for most to comprehend.
Thus it is okay to simply pray to God in school ... providing Jesus or Mohammed or the like, as with specific other religion's other specific identifying reference isn't made ... even if it pisses-off atheists.
This is because God is not owned by religion. "Jesus" and "Mohammed" are specific religious terms, etc. that are owned by religion, but God is not.
That's why "In God We Trust" is okay on money ... but why it is not okay to swear the President in on the Bible.
I'll finish with you later.