FEMA was not the primary problem in New Orleans. When are you Bush-bashers going to accept that the problem was on a local level? Gov. Blanco was as useless as the tits on a boar and Mayor Nagin was even worse. I know this for a fact because I'm from here. My local news is not as biased as what cable and national news is. I've not always been anti-Blanco and Nagin either. I held a great respect for Nagin until Katrina hit and I voted FOR Blanco. As for sending the military into New Orleans, LOUISIANA National Guard did the policing and the NG from other areas did rescue, cleanup, etc. I've absolutely no problem with their presence and anyone that does has no true idea what was happening in the area. I've dealt with many guardsmen from other areas and most have done a tour in Iraq, some getting back just two weeks prior to Katria. They were very helpful in search & rescue, clearing roads, even just directing traffic. The Seabees removed a tree that belonged to a neighbor from my backyard. I couldn't do it, nor could my husband, but the Seabees had it out in five minutes. I know we use the word 'biased' a lot, but the media are very biased in that they are doing their level best to pin the blame of Katrina failures on Bush. Anyone interested in more truth about Katrina, please go here: http://www.uspoliticsonline.com/foru...t=22164&page=3