Dharun Ravi found guilty in Rutgers webcam spying trial
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03-17-2012, 04:17 PM
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Oct 2005
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Yes, Ravi invaded his privacy but he doesn't hate gays.
I think his attitude toward gays is unknown, but a hate-crime is about motivation; it's more accurately called a bias-crime. Hate-crime gives the impression of physical assault.
He didn't kill the guy either, He wasn't charged in the death.
I can see this going to the Supreme Court and getting a ruling on the constitutionality of hate crimes The issue has gone before the Supreme Court several times.
There are two notable decisions: R.A.V. vs City of St Paul (1992), and Wisconsin vs Mitchell (1993).
Challenges based on Constitution Fifth Amendment "due process" clause: In this case, the crime was committed by a student at a university campus. There are laws that cover the responsibility of the institution to inform students of policy. Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act (1990); Campus Hate Crimes Right to Know Act (1997).
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