Dharun Ravi found guilty in Rutgers webcam spying trial
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03-18-2012, 03:21 AM
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Oct 2005
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This is the most detailed article I could find with regard to each count & subsequent charge & its verdict. Many counts/charges seem repetitive & are slightly confusing.
Dharun Ravi verdict: Breakdown of charges
Friday March 16, 2012, 1:13 PM
The Record
Full story:
Ravi guilty of most serious charges in Rutgers webcam spying case
A charge-by-charge breakdown of the Dharun Ravi invasion of privacy and bias intimidation case and verdict.
Count 1 Invasion of privacy
With regard to Tyler Clementi: guilty
With regard to M.B.: guilty
Count 2 Bias intimidation, five separate counts
Invasion purpose to intimidate Tyler Clementi: not guilty
Purpose to intimidate M.B.: not guilty
Knowing conduct would cause Tyler Clementi to feel intimidated: not guilty
Knowing conduct would cause M.B. to feel intimidated: not guilty
Reasonable belief of intimidation: guilty
Count 3 Invasion of privacy
With regard to Tyler Clementi: guilty
With regard to M.B.: guilty
Count 4 Bias intimidation
Invasion of privacy with the purpose to intimidate Tyler Clementi: not guilty
Purpose to intimidate M.B.: not guilty
Purpose to intimidate Tyler Clementi: guilty
Purpose to intimidate M.B.: not guilty
Reasonable belief of intimidation in regard to Tyler Clementi: guilty
Count 5 Attempted invasion of privacy, two parts
In regards to Tyler Clementi: guilty
In regards to M.B. guilty
Count 6 Bias intimidation
With regard to Tyler Clementi: guilty
With regard to M.B.: not guilty
Purpose to intimidate Tyler Clementi: guilty
Purpose to intimidate M.B.: not guilty
Reasonable belief of intimidation in regard to Tyler Clementi: guilty
Count 7 Attempted invasion of privacy
In regards to Tyler Clementi: guilty
In regards to M.B.: guilty
Count 8 Bias with regard to attempted invasion of privacy
In regards to Tyler Clementi: guilty
In regards to M.B.: not guilty
Purpose to intimidate Tyler Clementi: guilty
Purpose to intimidate M.B.: not guilty
Reasonable belief of intimidation in regard to Tyler Clementi: guilty
Count 9 Tampering with physical evidence
: Guilty
Count 10 Tampering physical evidence
: Guilty
Count 11 Hindering apprehension or prosecution:
Count 12 Hindering apprehension or prosecution:
Count 13 Hindering apprehension or prosecution:
Count 14 Witness tampering:
Count 15 Tampering physical evidence:
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