Thread: Senate Hyjinx
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Old 07-18-2009, 08:57 PM   #12

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There are 3 important related bills that passed in the NY State Senate this week ...

New York Senate overwhelmingly passes three bills that will assist people living with HIV

Albany, New York — Three bills that will significantly help people living with HIV/AIDS and enhance HIV prevention efforts passed in the New York State Senate late Thursday and early Friday morning, July 16th and 17th. They are:

S2664, a bill that would cap monthly rent payments for New York City HIV/ AIDS Services Administration (HASA) clients at 30% of their monthly income.

S3164, the Family Healthcare Decision Act (FHCDA), which would enable family members and others close to the patient (a surrogate) to decide about treatment for incapacitated patients who have not signed a healthcare proxy or left specific oral or written treatment instructions. This is especially important for same-sex couples, whose relationships are not recognized under state law.

S3842, a bill which would mandate Department of Health review of policies and practices regarding HIV, AIDS and Hepatitis C virus at correctional facilities in New York State. This bill, sponsored by Assembly Member Dick Gottfried (D-Manhattan), already passed the Assembly.

The rent cap bill, sponsored by Senator Tom Duane (D-Manhattan), passed by 52-1, following an impassioned and eloquent speech by Senator Duane in the wee hours of Friday morning. Currently, people living with AIDS receiving benefits from HASA who also have other formsof income-including SSI, SSDI, veteran's benefits or work-are forced to pay all but $330 of their monthly income towards their rent. This leaves these clients with an unlivable budget of $11 a day.

FHCDA, also lead sponsored by Duane and, when the Republicans ruled the Senate, by Senator Kemp Hannon (R-Garden City, LI), passed unanimously by 57-0.

For more background on these three bills, click here to read GMHC's 2009 state policy agenda (PDF).

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