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02-24-2009, 08:32 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Senate and Assembly "jobs" should be considered full time. We are paying them $79,500 a year for a job they consider "part time." That is more than the full time pay of most New Yorkers who work 40 hours a week for the entire year. The legislature meets from January to mid-June, several days a week. While they have part time hours, they get full time pay. What are they doing the rest of the year? They should be representing the people of New York at all times.
Let's tell our 62 Senators and 150 Assembly Members that their job is now considered full time. They are not allowed to receive one dime more than their legislative salary in compensation from any other employment or "consultant" source. If they don't like it, they can go back to whatever they were doing before they got elected. That should weed out some of the ones that are in it for the money and the power.
Senators and Assembly Members should also be limited to three, two year terms. Six years is enough. These should not be lifetime career positions. This would also insure a turnover in the ranks. You wouldn't have people hanging around for 30 years for the power trip and the what's in it for me attitude. If we had average citizens in the legislature instead of "professional" politicians, a lot more meaningful work would get done. If you doubt that, let's try it and see.
I read in a letter to the editor that rank and file state workers are prohibited from outside employment with, or financial gain from, companies that do business with state government. Why doesn't this apply to the legislature? It's ridiculous. Senators and Assembly Members should not be able to leave the legislature and go to work for a company that does business with the state for at least 5 years. Period. What is so difficult about that?
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