Today Mayoral Vote
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11-10-2005, 04:27 PM
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Oct 2005
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This is probably the only poll where a Republican wins anything. Bloomberg won yesterday because most voters did not see him as a real Republican. I know a lot of people who voted for Kerry last year who supported Bloomberg. I actually think that the city is better off with Bloomberg in charge than with Ferrer, and it pains me to say that.
BTW, here's my prediction, my early prediction, for 2009: Anthony Weiner defeats Vito Fossella (who I think wants to run, and will do so because there is no moderate heir to Bloomberg, so a conservative will run) and becomes the first Democratic Mayor elected in 20 years.
I think that the NYC Democrats in 2009 will be in a position that national Democrats were in in 1992: the voters see them as soft, not tough on crime, a party that has lost their way. What Bill Clinton did that year was run as a "New Democrat" and managed to gain the confidence of voters (Perot was not as big a factor in that race as people think. He gave Clinton a few close states but not his overall lead.) While I do not approve of the "New Democratic" policy as it stands today - ie, the Bush-appeasing Democratic Leadership Council - I feel that Clinton's triangulation approach was what was needed in 1992. Weiner can be Bill Clinton in that sense. Ideologically he's basically Bloomberg but with a D next to his name and he doesn't support Bush.
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