Fencing at the olympics
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09-01-2012, 05:41 AM
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Nov 2005
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Ever since Atlanta which was fenced on raised piste through out, I have been championing fencing on a raised piste 2 metre wide sprung podium platform of 300 mm high. I have always believed that fencing on such a podium increases the theatrical impact, the slightly sprung floor makes for faster movement over a fight. (it is fencer friendly).
The awarding of the Sheffield contract for the supply of equipment at the European Championships allowed Leon Paul to invest in a upgraded hi-tech wooded sprung 300 mm high finals piste with LED lighting beneath running the whole length of the piste. We started work on this element of the Olympic final piste set up in May 2011.
During meeting at LOCOG Ioan Pop outlined his plan of horse shoe lights placed around the piste which we agreed to look at. During the European Championships we demonstrated a 1 metre length mock up of the final piste horse shoe lights to Hillary Cawthorne and Liz Charlton (LOCOG). They we so blown away by their look and potential that money was found from various budgets to fund the hire of a complete set of these and we made them in time to trial them at the foil test event end of November.
Subsequently Ioan Pop persuaded the F.I.E. that all pistes should have the surrounding horse shoe lights and Leon Paul made them in time to demonstrate at this year's London Women's Sabre A grade. At an even later date the artistic director of the Olympic fencing Venue insisted on having extra controls so that during presentation the light could form an integral part of the fencing presentation. The control for which we produced a month before the games.
There are over 640 metres of energy efficient colour changing LED light strip with an unbelievable 38,400 individual LED's and more than 5km of cable. Special thanks have to go to Jack Jacob who designed the lighting system and has spent countless hours on the project and to his team who had to stick down and test all 38,400 LED's!
We have been overwhelmed by the positive feedback of the look of the finals hall which surpassed our wildest dreams, who said fencing was not a spectator sport? Barry.
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