Well, the artilce you posted is a little misleading..imagine that. I completly agree with whatSenator Graham said on the house floor: "We're fighting a war, not a crime," said Sen. Lindsey Graham, an Air Force Reserves military lawyer and key author of the nation's detainee treatment law. "Here's what we decided to do as a body today. America is part of the battlefield. We firmly believe the war is coming back home, so we're no longer going to have an absurd result that if we capture you overseas where you're planning attack on the United States, we can blow you up or put you in a military prison indefinitely. But if you make it to America, all of a sudden you get Miranda rights and you go to federal court. That's an absurd result; never been known in war before." We are talking about terrorist...this is a war against the USA. Even if you choose to act like it isn't a war...it is.